Bronny James was discharged from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and will continue his recovery at home after going into cardiac arrest Monday during a workout.

“Thanks to the swift and effective response by the USC athletics’ medical staff, Bronny James was successfully treated for a sudden cardiac arrest,” James’ consulting cardiologist, Merije Chukumerije, said in a statement, per Shams Charania of The Athletic. “He arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center fully conscious, neurologically intact, and stable.

“Mr. James was cared for promptly by highly-trained staff and has been discharged home, where he is resting. Although his workup will be ongoing, we are hopeful for his continued progress and are encouraged by his response, resilience, and his family and community support.”

James’ father, Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James, issued his own statement earlier Thursday expressing his gratitude for the outpouring of support since the incident, adding his family is “together, safe, and healthy.”

The USC signee, 18, was practicing at the school’s Galen Center on Monday morning when he went into cardiac arrest and lost consciousness, according to Dan Woike, Ryan Kartje, and Richard Winton of the Los Angeles Times. After being quickly tended to by the Trojans’ medical staff on-site, he was rushed to the hospital and admitted to the intensive care unit.

He was relocated out of the ICU shortly after and listed as stable.

James is the oldest child of the NBA’s all-time scoring leader and his wife, Savannah. He has a younger brother, Bryce, 16, and a sister, Zhuri, 8.

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